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Mission Statement

At Queen City Lumber, we want to provide the best shopping experience for all our customers. We plan to provide the “best” by adhering to the following list of what we value highly.


  • Best Products. We try to buy and keep the best products to sell. This would be right down to 2x4-8’s all the way up to high end western red cedar or mahogany.

  • Best Service. We strive to provide the best service of any lumberyard in Charlotte. This is regardless of the size of the customer or the size of the order. This starts with the salesman and goes all the way through to how the material is stacked at the jobsite. Everyone is involved; management, salesmen, loaders, and drivers.

  • Best Respect. We will give our best respect to all; ourselves, our customers and our neighbors.

  • Accuracy and Speed. We strive to provide the products ordered in a timely fashion. Any company can send out the wrong material and take a while doing it. We plan to be a “cut above” by sending it right and sending it “on time” or before.

  • Honesty and Integrity. We will do the right thing and the honest thing in all our dealings. If we do wrong, we will admit it and correct it. We will give no excuses.

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